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So well-designed and charming <3 The sound design is a major highlight!

(2 edits)

Spoiler warning

What is the "attacked" stat? I've never managed to attack anything, the only other being, except for me and my friends, that I've encountered was a ghost who left some footsteps leading to a secret latch. And how can you escape without saving Dot? I'll surely try some other time but is there another way of escaping the mansion without using buttons?

Edit: Met the fairies and escaped without Dot, managed to get 1 attacked, still don't know what it means and what did I even do to achieve it?

You were attacked by the Monster of Moida Mansion. If you loiter when the monster's lurking or go the direction he's in, and the game tells you "RUN!" You can escape if you're quick, but my first play I wasn't.

(1 edit)

Wasn't very convinced to play at first but my God this is fun, so simple yet so catchy and tricky. While I was browsing I really didn't expect to find a game like this one. I'm glad to say I love it, especially how the layout functions and changes every time (love the void), and how easy it is to comprehend the mechanics of the game little by little. Exploring the mansion truly feels spooky but at the same time thrilling, something you wouldn't expect from a game so simple such as this one.

Thank you sir, love from Italy


This is awesome! We need a Playdate version of this!

I second this!


This is so freakin awesome


This game is amazing. You should think about porting to some of the newer handhelds. I've been playing a ton of old LCD games on the Analogue Pocket and this would fit amazingly well and show people LCD games are more than people remember them being. You can tell a lot of thought and love for those old games went into this project. Thanks for such an amazing experience. I'm looking forward to having my daughter play this. She laughs at a lot of the old games I pay but she'd love this.


This game is so neat! Played it a second time to rescue Dot, then a couple more to see all the clue possibilities, now I'm trying to optimize my searches and moves down to a minimum. If I had the skills I'd try to build a physical version lol


Optimizing moves can be a pain since it's all random. Between the monsta showing up at doors and stairs, finding the buttons and fairies, keys, and/or hidden switches, etc., it can sometimes take dozens of moves. I think my worst was in the 120s.


Very true, but you can do things like search buttons as soon as you find them if you have a friend handy. Part of it is definitely luck, but that's certainly not the only factor. Just a fun way to not be done with this game yet more than anything


It actually took me a while to realize that I could start pushing buttons as soon as I started finding friends. D'oh!


Took me a couple more runs than I care to admit to come to that conclusion myself lol. Another optimization is learning how to lose the monsta quickly without losing your position. You can really bring your average moves down once you realize how quickly you can shake it

(1 edit) (+1)

This was actually pretty cool. I wonder if it would have been possible to make something like this back in the day. I managed to save all the kids, but not the turtle.

Moves    : 30

Searches : 5

Attacked : 2

Probably. The old LCD games were only limited by cost. A game like this probably would've been expensive.


My best so far!

Moves: 40

Searched: 9

Attacked: 0


Got 36 moves just now. I wonder what the absolute minimum could be. It all depends on where everything is placed and if the monsta shows up in a stairway or door you need to use.


Moves: 36

Searches: 7

Attacked: 0

Rescued all.


Just got my best for moves 

Moves: 34

Searches: 9

Attacked: 0


Rescued all.

Moves: 30. (Wow!)

Searches: 8. (7 would be the bare minimum: finding the 3 friends then -- no spoiler! -- doing what you need to do to find Dot.)

Attacked: 0.

I doubt I'm going to get any better than that. It really helps to not have to deal with things like finding fairies or searching the attic openings.

That's sick man! Is it hardcoded that in order to find one of the friends you must search an object, or can you get all three with pure luck without needing keys or codes? If so the bare minimum could really be 7.

Found a tiny error. Needed to find two candleholders for a secret switch, but when I found them, one wasn't showing because it was "blocked" by a cabinet. It was a bit confusing.


This is so cool! I love every bit of it!

(2 edits) (-1)

Oh, wow. I just noticed the shackles on the wall in the lab. (I wonder if they appear in the bedroom... Edit: yep, they do. Eep!)


I love this!!!!!!


Your game is beautiful and original. 

Love this.


How do I find the turtle?


I'm trying to figure that out, too. But I'm going to keep playing until I figure it out with no spoilers. Part of the fun!


I got it! I'm not going to give it away, but I'll give you a hint: friends work together in odd ways. ;)


I wrote about 700 words on this here:

TLDR, this is magical, really captures the feel of those old devices whilst being a much better game than most if not all of them. A true delight.


Great review, thank you!

Ah it was finally added to the database. I'll replay it and finally review it. Thanks for heads up.


Id love a physical one…


Super fun, super stylish :)


OH I didn’t know I need to rescue the turtle.. dang it :D it was fun tho


i just finished playing it, and i LOVED it! it reminds me so much of a gameboy or something of the sorts! :D


Amazing and fun game. The replayability using the limited resources is quite a feat! 

Thank you!

No DL?


The Idea of there being a room simply named "Void" where the monster can't enter and it's completely silent truly amazes me. 

Every good haunted building needs a void.


good game, when Moida Mansion 2


Very fun game, extremely great design and sound. Loved it

Thanks! <3


I rescued 3 people😭


Hint: friends often help each other in odd ways. ;)


This is really quite brilliant. I love the "Monsta" concept and I find the whole experience quite relaxing to play. The Randomly generated level is slick. Good work. 


Very cool, but I managed to find everyone and dot without running into any locks or codes. Are they just a procedural element that happened to be missing in my run or is there another layer of secrets I missed?


That should be ok. Hidden passages/latches can act like keys/codes, which are all mostly interchangeable in the layout generator.

Each attempt is different. Sometimes you get codes and/or secret stairways and sometimes you don't.


Very impressive how dedicated you were to the LCD limitations. This feels like an LCD version of Night Manor from UFO 50 and I love that. Thanks for the fun time!


It's just me, or I don't get the joke.


If there is a joke, then I guess I missed it too, but I don't think it is one. Just a small game inspired by LCD games from back in the 90's that had extreme hardware limitations. Since all of the graphics have to be baked into the screen itself, with nothing overlapping, it's a pretty tough challenge to make a game, especially one with any level of complexity. The fact that he managed a randomized game with puzzles and even different levels of completion is very impressive. If you aren't familiar with those kinds of games though, search Youtube for "Tiger Electronics" and you'll find a bunch of videos showing what they were like.


idea is really cool


pretty creative and cool


Couple nights ago I couldn't sleep so I played one of my favorite songs from Sergei Prokofie - Romeo and Juliet. As I was drifting away in sleep I couldn't help but think "Oh, this sounds like the OST of Return of  The Obra Dinn", and just today I decided to revisit the OST of that game just to find this... WTF LUCAS POPE! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!


simple but rlly fun!


that was a very cool game!


I played through it. It was fun kinda reminded me on my youth XD.


It seems a bit simple,but I think the author have their own thought,Actually it is very special. Good Game!


This was such an awesome and creative game!  The LCD handheld style was genius.  I had to save that turtle as you can see in my gameplay:

Seriously, everything from the booklet images to the design of the handheld interface just shows how much love was poured into this game Lucas Pope!  Thank you for the amount of time you put in to bring us this experience!
(1 edit)

Very clever, Mr. Pope. Thanks for the years of fun.

This is so fun. thanks alot

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